Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Giveaways and Promotions

Yellow Trunk Designs will be hosting a table at:
The Rockford, IL Edgebrook Arts and Crafts Exhibit
June 9, 2012 10am - 5pm

Like us on Facebook "YellowTrunkDesigns" to receive a table coupon or for additional giveaway/promotional information

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mini Models

 My best friend Katie was kind enough to volunteer her little guy Cole to model some bow ties. I was so excited to have an excuse to go and visit her (not that I ever need an excuse!). We took the kids to the park for some playtime while I snapped a few shots. Seriously, Cole was the most patient model ever.... I'm pretty sure he was born to wear a bow tie!

I also was also able to get together with my other girlfriend Kandy the following day and take some pictures of her sweet lil guy Kelson (with my daughter out of school for the holiday week, I have enjoyed catching up on playdates!). She had a brilliant idea of stripping him down to his skibbies for some great photos.Here are some of my favorites:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Looking for a Few Good Little Men

I have been busy getting ready for my first "Trunk Show" (you can check out the details under the "Trunk Show" link above). One of the items I have been busy sewing are Little Guy Bow Ties. I just have one problem.......

My handsome little man has temporarily quit (unfortunately he was forced to wear too many bow ties and is now trying to renegotiate his modeling contract). Therefore, I am looking for a few good little men (with their mother's consent) who would be willing to do a short photo shoot to model my products. The session includes free photos of your handsome little man and a $5 gift certificate to my shop. Contact me if you are interested.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Introducing Elmo.....

My little guy's favorite character currently is Elmo, so it was an easy choice on what he would be for Halloween this year! The only problem was that after 2 hours and 8 Halloween stores I couldn't find an Elmo costume anywhere.... who knew that all of the Toddler Elmo costumes in the greater Chicagoland area would be all sold out a week before Halloween!? After looking online and learning that I could purchase a costume and have it shipped for a whopping $50 I decided that it would be a bit more practical to make a costume.
Coupons in hand (30% off at Kohls and 40% off a cut of fabric at Joann's), I purchased an Elmo sweatshirt at Kohls ($12), and then proceeded to Joann Fabrics and purchased 1 yard of fleece, pom poms, and colored felt ($10). Once home I used this tutorial to make a pair of fleece pants, and then created a hat, and finally hot glued Elmo's face of pom pom's and felt to the front. Granted, it cost me $22 to make BUT the sweatshirt and pants will be able to be worn over and over again and the hat made a lovely addition to our dress-up stash!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tis the Season!

Okay, okay... I know it isn't even Thanksgiving yet BUT I am trying to build up stock to sell for Christmas (as well as get a head start on some Christmas gifts). Here's a little peek at what I've just finished!

Mary Jane Cloth Baby shoes.....  Too cute, right!? These particular ones are size 0-3 months, but  can be made in any baby, child, or adult size!!!!

Why Do a Custom Order?

I LOVE to do custom orders (I apologize if that phrase has become redundant in my blog posts!). After all, the items I make are done to my taste and though I must say I do have excellent taste (ha!) I understand that everyone is different and prefers different things: less/more flair, different fabric, etc. I also feature many more items on my blog than I do in my shop, so something you love from my blog may never be sold in my shop. Therefore, I can make any item that you see on my blog or in my Etsy shop specific to your tastes.... don't hesitate to ask!